Thursday, January 20, 2011

Community Council of Lehigh Acres

Members and guests of the Community Council of Lehigh Acres will celebrate the installation of 2011 Officers and New Members on January 28, 2011 at Majestic County Club.  Cash bar opens at 6 PM, Dinner at 6:30. Tickets are only $15 for an individual or $25 per couple. Please RSVP by January 20, 2011. You can email or call Barbara Kerby, Community Service Representative at or (239) 368-1615. The public is most welcome!
This event will honor the service of our 'retiring' council members, review our 2010 Council accomplishments and kick-off our 2011 agenda.  County Commissioner Ray Judah will be our guest speaker and perform the installation of Officers and New Members.
The Community Council of Lehigh Acres was formed in 1968 by 20 concerned citizens as the organization in our community to advance the welfare of unincorporated Lehigh Acres. Today it is composed of 41 members (21 elected members from Lehigh Acres and 20 appointed members from various civic, social, industry and government agencies serving Lehigh Acres). The Council meets monthly (3rd Monday @ 6:30 PM) at Living Waters Christian Fellowship Church at 500 N. Sunshine Blvd. (next to Doc's Collision north of Lee Blvd.) The public is welcome to attend and voice any concerns regarding issues affecting our Lehigh Acres Community.  Our mission is to partner with the citizens and governing agencies within Lee County Florida to make Lehigh Acres a great place to live and work.
The Council has sponsored Politics in the Park and Candidate Forums. It advocates for code enforcement, road improvements, parks, and other community services. The Council will have a role in local recommendation of new projects as part of the Lehigh Acres Comprehensive Plan process. All county agencies that serve  Lehigh are represented on the Council.
The Council is funded by Friends of the Council. Our 2010 supporters include: Kiwanis Club of Lehigh Acres, Rose Oliverio, First National Bank of the Gulf Coast, Lehigh Regional Medical Center, Florida Lung & Sleep Associates, The Professional Auto Mechanic, Gulfview Manor Condo Association, New Image Ministries, Preferred Community Bank, Majestic Golf Club, Lehigh Cavaliers Domino Club. Commissioner Frank Mann, East Side Printing and Publishing, Town Lakes Self Storage, G's Hair Studio, Kenneth Thompson  PA, Goodlad Insurance Group, Commissioner Tammy Hall, Sheriff Department Captain Tamayo, and many individuals.

Community Council of Lehigh Acres, Florida Inc.
The Voice of Lehigh
Our mission is to partner with the citizens and governing agencies within Lee County Florida to make Lehigh Acres a great place to live and work.

 The Community Council of Lehigh Acres, Florida Inc. was formed in 1968 by 20 concerned citizens as the organization in our community to advance the welfare of unincorporated Lehigh Acres.  The Community Council of Lehigh Acres is made up of 41 members (21 elected members from Lehigh Acres and 20 appointed members from various civic, social, industry and government agencies in the Lehigh Acres area). The Community Council meets monthly (3rd Monday @ 6:30 PM) at Living Waters Christian Fellowship Church at 500 N. Sunshine Blvd. (next to Doc's Collision north of Lee Blvd.) The public is welcome to attend and voice any concerns regarding issues affecting our community. Friends of the Council provide financial support.

Standing Committees:
Roads and Transportation                   Code Enforcement       Community Development
Beautification                          Youth Council             Health, Education and Welfare
Parks and Recreation              Election and Bylaws   Publicity          Website
Council Sponsored Events                  Fund Raising and Membership

Karen R. Makowski
MAK Consulting Resources, LLC
239 313-1591
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