( ) Make sure all smoke alarms are working and have fresh batteries
( ) Forward mail
( ) Place timers on indoors lamps
( ) Place a temporary stop on newspaper delivery
( ) Place phone, cable, and internet service "on vacation"
( ) Return all library book
( ) Return rented videos
( ) Wedge dowels in window tracks and sliding doors to prevent burglars from prying them open
( ) Set air conditioners/thermostats at 80 degrees to prevent mold growth and a humidistat should be at 40% - 60% relative humidity
( ) Unplug or turn off circuit breaker to hot water heater to save energy
( ) Discard all perishable items
( ) Run hot water through your garbage disposal. Let it dry out. Pour 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil into disposal. Do not run any water but turn disposal on for a few seconds
(to prevent impellers from getting stuck)
( ) Pack all prescription drugs including "refrigerated drugs"
( ) Unplug electrical appliances and computers (except refrigerators) susceptible to lightening and power outages
( ) Disconnect electrical garage door opener to prevent burglars from entering
( ) Turn off main water valve unless you have an automatic fire-sprinkler system. In that case turn off the water valves to your washing machine, dishwasher, and toilets. Bleed excess water out of lines
( ) Add bleach to toilet bowls and cover with plastic wrap (keeps it clean and prevents evaporation of water)
( ) Ask a friend or neighbor to check on your property every week or two while you are away. (Request that they remove their shoes while inspecting carpeted areas; if they are wet it will be easily detected.)
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